Essential features of a manufacturer catalog

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Digital catalog software is a software program that will help you to create a manufacturer catalog. It has many features, such as the ability to add products, images and descriptions.

A manufacturer catalog is basically an online database of products. Customers can directly buy from it. You can embed it in your website and online store to boost your sales.

Digital catalog software is the best tool that allows you to create a simple or complex catalog without any coding knowledge. The most important feature of this tool is the ability to edit and add objects to your catalog.

Features of the software include:

1. You can use the drag-and-drop functionality of the tool to upload your images and add them to the software.

2. This tool provides a free version but it has limited features and functionality as compared to a paid version, which allows you to create an unlimited number of pages, upload an unlimited number of images and generate an unlimited number of PDF files from your catalogs on different platforms.

3. The other feature of the tool is the ability to customize your catalogs with different themes such as modern, flat design etc., so that you can make it look attractive for your customers and customers can easily find their products on your catalogs with different themes being used across all pages in your catalogs using this tool.

4. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to use all its features without any coding knowledge. You do not need to have special skills.

5. It allows you to add different multimedia components for instance videos, pictures, product description, add to cart button, wish list, and much more.

6. It allows you to create a catalog from scratch using your PDF files only.

7. Customers can quickly find out any product in the catalog using sophisticated search technology.

Additional features of a manufacturer catalog:

In addition to the usual functions of catalogs (such as multimedia integration, keyword search, etc.), there are some additional features that make this type of software very useful in particular situations:

  1. Inventory control: You can manage the entire inventory with the help of the software like a walk in the park. You will know when a product goes out of stock, and much more.
  2. Analytics: You can keep track of product sales and user metrics. You can find out which you are hero products and which products do not perform well of late. You can figure out your user metrics and the number of page views. You can also keep track of which ads get the most views integrated in your catalog.
  3. Metadata management: By using various metadata fields available in digital catalogs such as keywords, tags, properties and so on you can provide users with more information about each item stored in your catalog.

The aforementioned features provide you with an idea about what you can do with your manufacturer catalog. Not to mention, features depend upon software to software.

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