Essential Winter Care Tips for Indoor Plants in Dubai

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Have you ever noticed the serenity dew drop resembles on leaves in the morning of Winter? 

Dubai is a region of scorching heat and winters here are not as hard as other parts of the world. Therefore, plants can survive outdoors in winter by providing them with enough sunlight and water. Do you want more winter care tips on taking care of your favourite indoor plants?

To protect outdoor and indoor plants, we must create a winter plant care routine for better growth. Indoor plants need special attention during winter, so here are some indoor plant winter care tips for Dubai homes by professional florists that will help you take care of indoor plants during winter.

Top 9 Indoor Plant Winter Care Tips For Dubai Home

  1. Choose a Perfect Corner For Your Plant

The best thing you can do for your plant is to give it a specific and appropriate place in your home. It is suggested that you should keep your plants away from the balcony area and the entrance. As they will be facing different temperature levels throughout the day and that would affect the growth of plants. 

So you should keep them in the living area. Make sure they are kept away from electronics or heating appliances.

  1. Help Them Get Sufficient Sunlight

As we are aware of the process of photosynthesis, make sure that your plants get proper and sufficient sunlight. In Winter give your plants adequate sunlight, it’s highly essential.  Do rotate them from time to time so that all the sides get proper sunlight. In the absence of sunlight, plants should be provided with LED light as a substitute for natural light.

  1. Use Quality Plant Pots and Vases

You can maintain your indoor plants and flowers in the best way by keeping them in good-quality flower pots. You can also go for vases with a good structure, base, and colour that will complement the flowers. Remember in winter you need to clean them regularly and spray water instead of overwatering. 

  1. Enough water

Water is essential for the growth of plants as we know that indoor plants have less soil so we must water the plants from time to time. To check the moisture of the soil you can dip your finger into the soil and water the plant only if you find it dry because excess water results in the rotting of roots and can be fatal for plants resulting in premature death therefore we should avoid over-watering our plants during winters.

  1. Fertilizing plants

Appropriate quantities of fertilizer should be given from time to time during the winter. Be aware of the directions before using commercial fertilizers as excess fertilizers damage plants.

  1. Cleaning plants and flowers

In exposure to air and sunlight, plants come in contact with dust and dirt which makes them dirty and muddy. During winters as there is no moisture in the air dust accumulation is common.  So, you should take time to clean leaves, flowers and stems by spraying water. This helps leaves in healthy growth and fresh appearance of plants. 

  1. Frequently pruning plants

Plants must be checked from time to time and in case you find any dry or dead leaves cut off from the plant it can decay and damage the whole plant.

  1. Do Regular Humidity check

Tropical plants like indoor bamboo plants need enough humidity in the UAE. There is no issue of humidity as the moisture level in Dubai is generally higher. Keep your plants in the kitchen and bathroom in case of less humidity.

      8. Avoid insects to come in contact with plants 

Indoor flies and other insects can harm plants as they feed on decaying leaves therefore flies, bugs and other insects damage plants and therefore must be kept away from plants.

      9. Know about your plant

Before taking care of your plant you should know about your plant. You can gather knowledge and information about your plant from the internet and books. It can be beneficial and help you in taking good and smart care of your plants. In case you need the best winter plants and flowers you can reach out to the nearest flower shop in Dubai.


Planting flowers and taking care of plants is not only satisfying but also helps you to live in fresh air and greenery giving a natural touch to your home. The extremely favourable climate of Dubai doesn’t harm the plants even in winter. You can take easy care of outdoor and indoor plants. Taking outdoor plants inside won’t affect the growth of plants only if you follow the above-written tips while taking care of your plant family.

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